I having been living on small island for more than 15 years. I know first-hand Internet can be broken: sites can be slow and take ages to load; which means less revenue for your business. That’s why I've been working with Cloudflare for several years.
I will help you set-up and day-to-day manage Cloudflare for you to make your website dramatically faster and secure. I can help you navigate through Cloudflare's latest innovations, such as serverless computing (Cloudflare Pages & Workers). I will work your tech team to give them the best-practices so your website or your app can make the most of Cloudflare. If you already use Cloudflare, I will audit your current setup.
I have been helping major players save money on infrastructure costs and increase revenue thanks to a faster website, some of them with more than 90% caching.
Do you need proof? Did this website take ages to load? It's served directly from Cloudflare edge with no backend server. Unbeatable speed.
With more than a dozen locations in Africa, Cloudflare is the best partner for any African company wanting to improve the experience of its users.